Fatal Bus Accident Investigation Ongoing

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) continues to investigate the fatal bus accident that claimed the lives of eight tourists returning to Tijuana after a day-long ski trip to Big Bear Mountain in California. The bus, owned by tourist company Scapadas Magicas, claimed that one month prior to the accident, federal inspectors performed an audit of the company to determine if it was compliant with safety regulations.

Only five days following the accident, the FMCSA claims that Scapadas Magicas mislead its investigators during that audit.

“Like an audit or regulatory review, a compliance review requires that the company testify truthfully about its business practices,” said FMCSA spokesman Duane DeBruyne. “The FMCSA is charged with examining a sample of the company’s work and looking for evidence that it is in compliance.”

Inspectors investigate only a sample of the company’s records and rely on the honesty from the transit companies.

“We are not doing enough, and that is part of the process that is being talked about,” says Steve Keppler of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. “We are seeing trends we don’t like in the motorcoach industry, and we are increasing enforcement and outreach efforts, but are we there yet? No.”

Its seems that an overhaul in the audit aspect of the industry may be necessary. If tighter regulations leads to fewer accidents like this, it is certainly worth the efforts. Please contact our firm for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been in a bus accident.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death lawyers<
