State Farm Insurance released a study in May about dog bites across the country. It appears that dog bites overall are declining across the board—except for mail carriers, who are being bitten by viscous dogs more frequently. State Farm received 3,670 dog bite claims in 2012. The average cost of each claim was $29,522.
California appears to have lead the nation in dog bite injuries in 2012, with 451 claims to State Farm that cost a total of $17.1 million. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, over half of all dog bite victims are children. Approximately 400,000 children are treated for dog bite injuries in the United States annually.
According to the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, there were 27,752 operations to reconstruct tissue to dog bite victims in 2012. These incidents often require plastic surgery and major operations.
Dog bite injuries can be costly. Dog owners in California are responsible for any injuries caused by their pets.
Attorney Joshua Bonnici has experience in recovering damages for dog bite victims. Dog attacks can be terrifying for families—especially when the victims are young children. There is more information available on our website. If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, our San Diego dog bite attorneys can help. Please contact our firm today for a free consultation.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego dog bite attorney