With the Fourth of July approaching, Americans everywhere will be looking to unwind and celebrate. Whether you find yourself at a cookout, on a beach, on a boat or just relaxing with loved ones, there is a good chance fireworks will be a part of your American celebration. Before you set off fireworks near your family and friends, be sure you know what you are getting yourself into.
The majority of deaths and personal injuries from firework accidents occur around the Fourth of July. It should come as no surprise that 66 percent of accidents occur the week of this holiday. In 2002, over 8,000 people were treated in emergency rooms due to firework related injuries. Approximately half of all injuries from fireworks were suffered by children 14 years and younger. Boys were involved in 75 percent of accidents and girls in 25 percent.
Fireworks can be a good time, but it may be wise to just watch and leave the work to the professionals. The vast majority of firework-related personal injuries occur with Class C or “Consumer Fireworks,” which seem much more harmless and are sold more frequently. If you or a loved one is injured this year celebrating America’s independence, seek medical attention, then contact an attorney.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney.