After committing a string of dog attacks, two dogs have been taken from their owners and handed over to Clackamas County Dog Services, according to Oregon Live.
On June 22, the dogs, Luna and Boomer—a bull mastiff-pit bull mix and a box terrier—bit a small dog named Tellulah after getting loose from their yard. Luna and Boomer ganged up on Tellulah, with one tugging at her neck and the other her thigh.
“They were pulling it like a rag doll. It looked like they were going to pull it in half,” said Angela Dewey, a neighbor who witnessed the attack.
It was Dewey’s husband who was finally able to get Luna and Boomer to drop Tellulah. Tellulah sustained serious injuries as a result of the attack. Clackamas County sheriff’s deputy Robert Stewart wrote in his report that her injuries were so severe that Tellulah “may not survive.” However, 60 stitches and a $1,300 vet bill later, Tellulah is on the road to recovery.
The dogs’ history of violence played a large part in their confiscation. Since January 2010, there have been five documented incidents involving Luna and Boomer, including a November 2012 attack in which the two knocked down a 72-year-old man and bit his dog.
When an animal begins displaying dangerous behavior such as this or even begins showing signs of developing such behavior, it may be a good idea to report it to your local animal control unit and/or the police. Hopefully, by shedding a light on such incidents, it will help prevent future occurrences or, at the very least, will begin a paper trail in case the problem persists.
Whether it is your pet, you or a loved one who is the victim, in the aftermath of a traumatic event such as an animal attack, it can be difficult to know what to do. Although animal attacks happen more often than you probably think, for most people it is a very rare occurrence and therefore, they are usually not prepared to deal with its consequences.
Our firm has experience with these types of incidents and can provide you with information about what to do after an animal attack. Please visit our site for more information on dog attacks, and contact our firm today at (619) 853-5101 for a free consultation if you or someone you love has been injured.
Did you know?: From 2005 to 2012, the pit bull and Rottweiler breeds accounted for 73 percent of all fatal dog attacks.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego dog bite lawyer