San Diego Police Sheriff Bill Gore is determined to crack down on drinking and driving on Super Bowl Sunday this year, according to CBS 10 News in San Diego. There is always a spike in drinking and driving on America’s biggest unofficial holiday.
“We’re reminding everyone that real Super Bowl fans font let (other) fans drive drunk,” said Gore. “If your Super Bowl plans include alcohol, make sure you have a designated sober driver. We are asking all party hosts and bar owners to take extra-good care of designated sober drivers this year.”
The local warning, issued in conjunction with the National Football League’s “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” campaign, hopefully will cut down on the number of drunk drivers this year; but if history teaches us anything, plenty of motorists will get behind the wheel after drinking. Keep this in mind if you are on the roads on Sunday to avoid a car accident.
“We want everyone to make the right decision for [the] Super Bowl,” says Gore. “Having a designated sober driver should be an obvious [choice] to everyone. Making sure designated sober drivers know how much we appreciate their responsible decision is what will make this year’s celebration extra special—and extra safe.”
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.