Officials suspect a distracted driver may be the cause of an Orange County fatal car accident last April, according to in San Diego. Police believe that Jorene Nicolas, 29, was texting on her phone just before the accident. She denies the allegations. Deanna Mauer of Orange County died in the collision.
“I have no priors. I have a clean driving record and I have no criminal history,” says Nicolas. “I don’t drink and drive (and) I was not texting as all those allegations have been trying to say I was.”
Police arrested Nicolas at her home on January 27th. According to California Highway Patrol reports, Nicolas claimed her phone was in her cup holder at the time of the crash.
“It was a tragic accident and we are constantly praying for her family and her soul—and will continue to pray for her family,” says Nicolas. Her words did little to comfort the victim’s family.
“We can’t believe that,” said Howard Mauer, the victim’s father. “Look at people on the freeway, people text all the time. How can someone be doing 80-85 mph and hit someone at a dead stop?”
It is good to see police cracking down on texting and driving. There is no excuse for being on your phone while you are driving, and the penalties for violators need to be severe to deter this behavior.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.