New hybrid and electric cars may provide a new challenge for firefighters and rescuers, according to the Detroit Free Press. When arriving at the scene of a car accident, firefighter Jason Emery explains, they are trained to disconnect the car’s battery. This shuts off the source of energy and prevents injury. Emery serves as the lead electric-vehicle safety instructor for the National Fire Protection Association.
Car companies and the NFPA are working together to set standards for disconnecting the new lithium batteries in these vehicles. A standard could be set once the National Highway Safety Administration reviews post-crash electric test vehicles, which may protect automakers from products liability. GM is working on a battery that will be easy to detach.
“Most emergency responders are going to be able to handle it,” said Emery. The NHTSA and GM claim that the new vehicles are at least as safe as gasoline-powered cars. Do you think that these vehicles are safe for the open market, or are GM and the NHTSA in a rush to produce these cars?
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney.