Boy Saves Mother From Vicious Dog Attack

A young boy in Colton saved his mother from a dog attack, according to 10 KTVLCBS News.  The 11-year-old Southern California boy used his skateboard to battle off vicious dogs as they attacked his mother.  The victim was taken to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center for bites on her chest and leg.

The dogs were quarantined at the San Bernardino animal shelter.  Police did not release the names of the owners, but they indicated that they were cited before for having a vicious dog.

“We’re looking at some additional charges,” said Colton Police Officer Todd Smith.

The victim was lucky her son showed such bravery, but if she were alone, the ending of this story could be very different. What can authorities do when owners of vicious dogs continue to fail at controlling these animals?

Bonnici Law Group—San Diego personal injury attorney.

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