California Highway Patrol Cracks Down on “Zombie Drivers”

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) will be  cracking down. The CHP refers to the distracted drivers as “zombie drivers,” because they are essentially asleep at the wheel if they are not paying attention. According to Vacaville Police, distracted drivers are responsible for hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries over the last several years in California.

“It is critically important that everyone who drives realize the risks of driving while doing things which distract their attention from the road,” says Vacaville Police Chief Richard Word. “Some of these distractions include using a cell phone, reaching for an object inside a vehicle, or reading. In just seconds, a distraction can take our attention away from another vehicle or a child who steps into the roadway.”

The Vacaville Police launched their crackdown on distracted driving in 2011, and have since issued approximately 52,000 citations for drivers using their phones. The campaign is targeted at all motorists, but teens seem to be the worst offenders.

“Parents and other adults need to set a positive example,” says California Office of Traffic Safety Director Christopher J. Murphy. “Start by never calling or texting anyone, especially your kids, when there’s a possibility they might be driving. Then let that same action follow you when you are the driver.”

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney

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