A cyclist was struck and killed by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s patrol car in Inglewood early in the morning on October 8, according to the Los Angeles Times. The cyclist was identified as 45-year-old Alfonso Cerda. According to initial reports, police were attempting to stop Cerda and believed he had a handgun. No handgun was recovered at the scene.
The accident occurred a half-mile away from the location where police shot and wounded an unarmed driver a day earlier.
“They attempted to make an enforcement stop,” says Inglewood Police Lt. James Madia. “Initially, the individual complied, but then he took off on a bicycle.”
There are many unanswered questions remaining about this case. Why did the police believe he had a weapon when he did not? Did the driver accidently strike him, or did he intentionally hit Cerda with his car in an attempt to stop him?
Please visit our website for more information on bicycle accidents, and contact our firm for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been a victim.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.