A truck accident injured five people on Interstate 70 on December 14 in Oroville, according to ChicoER.com. A Honda civic crossed the center line, colliding with a semi truck that was turning left, according to the California Highway Patrol. The truck had just dropped off a road crew a mile away on the highway, according to CHP Officer Al Sanders. All five injured parties were taken to a nearby hospital.
“The message to take away from this is to be patient and accidents like this won’t happen,” says Sanders. Traffic was backed up for several hours on Interstate 70.
CHP Officer Doug Garret says the Honda was attempting to pass the semi in the oncoming traffic lane. The victims were all wearing seat belts. The passing maneuver by the Civic was illegal, according to the CHP.
Have you or a loved one been injured in a truck accident?
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney.