Poway is located in the middle of San Diego County, just north of the city of San Diego and south of the city of Escondido. Other neighboring communities include Rancho Bernardo, Scripps Ranch and Sabre Springs. Poway began as an unincorporated community in San Diego County. It did not officially become a city until December 1, 1980. Poway had a population of 47,811 as of the 2010 census.
These days, despite the size of its population, Poway is considered a suburb of San Diego. However, it originated as an agricultural community, which earned it the nickname “The City in the Country.” Poway’s establishment as a farming community began not too long after the Homestead Act of 1862, which encouraged people to move out west, including many of Poway’s first settlers, who came to farm. By 1887, nearly 800 people lived and farmed in Poway.
Even though it thrived as a farming community, signs of the modern Poway did not take root until the 1950s. In 1954, the Poway Municipal Water District was established, laying the groundwork for a sewer system, housing tracts and population growth.
After the automobile emerged as a viable form of transportation, Poway established a County Road Station in 1920. The primary role of the County Road Station was to oil and maintain the roads to make them easier for motor vehicles to use. Poway’s County Road Station was closed after 41 years, once the area achieved an 80 percent paved road rate.
However, although Poway’s paved road rate may have risen since then, it has yet to achieve 100 percent, as the area still contains a number of dirt roads used by cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, bicycles, horses and pedestrians, including Poway Community Park and Sycamore Canyon Preserve and Goodan Ranch. With that kind of traffic on those kinds of roads, accidents are a definite possibility.
From car accidents to motorcycle accidents to bicycle accidents and beyond, our firm can help you pick up the pieces after a personal injury accident. For decades, our San Diego accident attorney has successfully defended the rights of injury victims. He can help you bring those responsible for all your pain and suffering to justice and recover the compensation you need to get your life back on track.
For more information, please visit our website and fill out a contact form, or contact our firm at (619) 853-5101 for a free consultation.
Did you know?: In 2010, a traffic collision was reported every one minute and 16 seconds on average in California.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego accident attorney