Decreasing Trend in Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

This video shows the horrifying reality of pedestrian accidents, and how vulnerable pedestrians can be in the path of a motor vehicle. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 4,280 pedestrians were killed in the US in 2010 after being struck by a motor vehicle. This number is down from 1995, when 5,585 were killed, but the number is still staggeringly high—approximately 12 pedestrians are killed everyday across the country.

Pedestrians are over-represented in some of these statistics. According to the data compiled by the NHTSA, pedestrians account for 13 percent of fatal accidents but only 10 percent of transporters. This statistic indicates that walking may in fact be more dangerous than other forms of travel, although the decrease in fatalities is promising. Officials credit fewer pedestrians walking as well as, improvements in facilities, law enforcement, education and behavior.

Sixty nine percent of pedestrians killed in 2009 were male. Seventy two percent of all fatalities occurred in urban areas, and they are more likely to occur on weekends. Please visit our website for more information on pedestrian accidents.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.
