Fan Killed in Pedestrian Accident at Comic-Con

The annual San Diego Comic-Con International draws hundreds of thousands of fans to the San Diego area every year, but a tragic pedestrian accident has cast a dark shadow over this year’s convention, according to sources.

A woman attending this year’s convention, which ran from July 12-15, was struck by a car as she was crossing within a crosswalk against a red light, according to the San Diego Police Department. The victim was Gisela Gagliardi, a 53-year old fan of the Twilight series.

“Lionsgate, Summit and the entire Twilight community are saddened by the death of a Comic-Con fan today due to a traffic accident during the hours leading up to this year’s convention in San Diego,” read a statement released by Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment. “Our thoughts and condolences go out to the victim’s family and friends. She will be respectfully remembered this Thursday in Hall H.”

If you or a loved one have been injured in a pedestrian accident, contact our office today for a free consultation.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.

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