Metro Bus Drivers Possibly Intoxicated with Marijuana; Pull Over

San Diego police are investigating allegations that three Metropolitan Transit System bus drivers were under the influence of marijuana-laced brownies while they were on the job, according to NBC News. Rob Schupp, spokesman for the Metropolitan Transit System, said that three drivers reported feeling sick and dizzy after eating brownies handed out by another employee.

Once the drivers realized they were “ill,” all three of them pulled over and replacement drivers were called in. The drivers were administered drug tests, the results are pending. The drivers and the employee were all placed on paid leave pending the results of the investigation.

These drivers should be commended for their awareness and reacting quickly to get off the road, possibly saving lives. If this was an intentional act to intoxicate these drivers without their knowledge, the employee who passed out the brownies could face criminal charges.

Please visit our website for more information on bus accidents. If you or a loved one have been injured, please contact our office for a free consultation.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego accident attorney.

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