Kenneth Biggs, 38, plead guilty last month to a felony DUI charge causing injury, according to Biggs, a parolee, caused a car accident in September then fled, leaving his wife, uncle and 9-month-old baby trapped in the car.
According to reports, Biggs was under the influence of drugs when he collided with a parked van. He also plead guilty to hit and run and a misdemeanor count of child endangerment. The crash occurred around 2 a.m. near the intersection of Clairemont Drive and Emet Court. All three passengers that Biggs left behind at the scene required hospitalization. The baby’s injuries were not serious.
The San Diego Fire Department rescued the baby and Biggs’ wife and uncle from the wreckage. Biggs was on parole after a 2001 robbery conviction. This counted as a ‘strike’ on his record in accordance with California law. Judge Theodore Weathers sentenced Biggs in accordance with a plea agreement and also ordered him to pay restitution to the victims, an amount to be determined later. Biggs was under the influence of marijuana and amphetamines at the time of the car accident.
There is never an excuse for driving under the influence, or for leaving the scene of an accident. Have you or a loved on been injured in a car accident?
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney.